Shipping & Returns
: All orders take 1 - 2 days to process. Shipping will take between 5 - 7 days to arrive since everything is being shipped from our warehouse. Most customers receive their order within 5 days of shipment.
: International orders vary depending on the time it takes for your purchase to make it through customs. On average they arrive 15 - 21 days after shipment.
: You will receive an email confirming your order and it's processing. Then you will receive another email when your order has been shipped.
: Once your order has been shipped a tracking number will be sent via email. Not all international orders will be provided with tracking numbers. Due to some items being make - to - order, some orders can and may arrive separately.
: We guarantee you will love your purchase from Isabel's Closet however to ensure 100% customer satisfaction we offer a 30-Day Return Policy.
: To be eligible for a refund you must reach out to us through our contact page. The item you purchased must be unused and in the same condition that you received it in original packaging. Please do not send your purchase back to the manufacturer. In some situations only a partial refund will be able to be provided.
: If you are approved, then your refund will be processed and a credit will be added to your account within a few days.